NANOKAN Treatment Successes
Here we've gathered success stories from our patients who have experienced the transformative power of NANOKAN nano-coated acupuncture needles. These real-life stories demonstrate how NANOKAN aids in combating heavy metals and enhances their health and quality of life.

Participant number 1.
The patient was taken to the infectious disease ward of a hospital with suspected poisoning with inherent symptoms (nausea, vomiting, stomach pain). A selected analysis for the presence of heavy metals showed a large amount of carbonyl nickel. A selected analysis for the presence of heavy metals showed a large amount of carbonyl nickel.
Placing needles (10) in acupuncture points of the stomach and intestines (10) for 20-30 minutes, subsequently, according to the results of repeated analyzes, showed a significant decrease in carbonyl nickel. The needles (10) were also placed in acupuncture points not only locally, but also of the whole body to trap heavy metals from the bloodstream and lymph flow of the body.

Participant number 2.
The patient complained of persistent pain in the elbow and shoulder joints. As a result of the analyzes, a high content of nickel carbonyl particles was revealed. Within 5 days, in the area of pain localization, hourly sessions of acupuncture needles were held (10).
After applying these manipulations, a decrease in the carbonyl of the nickel was observed, as well as the passage of pain syndrome. The needles (10) were also placed in acupuncture points not only locally, but also of the whole body to trap heavy metals from the bloodstream and lymph flow of the body.

Participant number 1 and number 2 were employees of the metallurgical plant.

Participant number 3.
The patient complained of hearing loss. The diagnosis indicated violations of the auditory nerve. The analysis showed the presence in the body of an increased amount of mercury particles.
The use of acupuncture needles (10) in the ears in combination with medical physio procedures, conservative treatment, allowed to achieve a positive dynamics of hearing recovery. The needles (10) were also placed in acupuncture points not only locally, but also of the whole body to trap heavy metals from the bloodstream and lymph flow of the body.

Participant number 4.
The patient had complaints associated with implicit skin lesions in the shoulder area. The analysis showed that these areas of the skin had lesions in the pores of mercury. Classical treatment did not lead to positive dynamics, since mercury vapor was in the layers of the epidermis.
The use of acupuncture needles (10) led to the removal of mercury particles from the deeper layers of the epidermis, which, combined with conservative treatment, led to significant positive results. The needles (10) were also placed in acupuncture points not only locally, but also of the entire body, in order to trap heavy metals from the bloodstream and lymph flow of the body.

Participant number 5.
The patient was a smoker with great experience and complained of persistent cough, difficulty breathing. The analysis showed a significant presence of such heavy metal salts as: Arsenic, nickel, cadmium and beryllium.
After a week-long reflexology sessions, using needles (10) improved the patient’s condition and resulted in a decrease in these heavy metals in the body. It has also improved the elimination of sputum stagnation from the lungs, improved overall health, chronic cough decreased. The needles (10) were also placed in acupuncture points not only locally, but also of the whole body to trap heavy metals from the bloodstream and lymph flow of the body.
Ready to take a step towards a healthier life? Experience the benefits of NANOKAN today. Buy now and start your journey to health with NANOKAN.